Tech Officer

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  1. Improve website (e.g. change structure/layout, add functionality or adhoc).
  2. Give advice on how media platforms can be better used, or devise tools to better aid interactivity with general alumni members or between committee members.
  3. Fix bugs on website or other custom tools.
  4. Ensure website conforms to the Oxford Alumni Network’s logo and design guidelines.
  5. Inform, and provide guidance for resolution if deemed necessary, the Communications Officer if inconformity to the Oxford Alumni Network’s Social Media Advice for Alumni Groups is found.

Expected Effort

1-2 hours a week approximately.

Shared Responsibilities of All Committee Members
Although we outline in this document the obligations for being in positions on the Executive Committee, from time to time the President and other members on this Committee may require assistance with their duties. Being on the Oxford10 Committee is a team effort. Therefore, its members are expected to help each other and to occasionally pick up tasks or responsibilities beyond their remit. Examples of such duties include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Composing/posting of messages on various communication channels.
  2. Helping out event organisers with their events on the night (along with assistance on other aspects of event organisation).

Conformity to Oxford Alumni Network Guidelines
Along with the duties of their particular role, a member of the Oxford10 Executive Committee is expected to observe any guidelines from the wider Oxford Alumni Network that could be relevant to them (these are listed under their respective role descriptions). That member should inform and provide guidance for resolution if necessary, if Oxford10 doesn’t meet any of these guidelines.

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Communication Officer


  1. Oversee the execution of Oxford10 communication strategy across all platforms.
  2. Draft monthly email newsletters.
  3. Communicate to members across all platforms about events and other Oxford10 aspects, and/or co-ordinate committee members with secondary social media access to write on behalf.
  4. Collate photos from events and post to various platforms.
  5. Reply or forward messages from membership.

Expected Effort

1-2 hours a week approximately.

Shared Responsibilities of All Committee Members
Although we outline in this document the obligations for being in positions on the Executive Committee, from time to time the President and other members on this Committee may require assistance with their duties. Being on the Oxford10 Committee is a team effort. Therefore, its members are expected to help each other and to occasionally pick up tasks or responsibilities beyond their remit. Examples of such duties include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Composing/posting of messages on various communication channels.
  2. Helping out event organisers with their events on the night (along with assistance on other aspects of event organisation).

Conformity to Oxford Alumni Network Guidelines
Along with the duties of their particular role, a member of the Oxford10 Executive Committee is expected to observe any guidelines from the wider Oxford Alumni Network that could be relevant to them (these are listed under their respective role descriptions). That member should inform and provide guidance for resolution if necessary, if Oxford10 doesn’t meet any of these guidelines.

Interested? Drop us an email

Events Officers

Interested? Drop us an email


  1. Formulate and execute events – approximately 1 large (80+ attendees) or 2 smaller events a year.
  2. Gather event quotes and availability, for proposal to committee.
  3. Be consultation point for other event organisers when discussing event feasibility.
  4. When organising an event:
    4.1. Act as point of contact with event venue
    4.2. Act as point of contact with Oxford10 members/attendees about event
    4.3. Create and administrate Eventbrite page for that event.
    4.4. Inform Alumni Office of their event.
    4.5. Administrate the event on the night (or find adequate help).

Officer Count

At least 2.

Expected Effort

Less than 1 hour a week approximately or 2 hours a week during event organisation.

Shared Responsibilities of All Committee Members
Although we outline in this document the obligations for being in positions on the Executive Committee, from time to time the President and other members on this Committee may require assistance with their duties. Being on the Oxford10 Committee is a team effort. Therefore, its members are expected to help each other and to occasionally pick up tasks or responsibilities beyond their remit. Examples of such duties include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Composing/posting of messages on various communication channels.
  2. Helping out event organisers with their events on the night (along with assistance on other aspects of event organisation).

Conformity to Oxford Alumni Network Guidelines
Along with the duties of their particular role, a member of the Oxford10 Executive Committee is expected to observe any guidelines from the wider Oxford Alumni Network that could be relevant to them (these are listed under their respective role descriptions). That member should inform and provide guidance for resolution if necessary, if Oxford10 doesn’t meet any of these guidelines.

Interested? Drop us an email